Building sustainable, eco-friendly homes to protect our future

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We specialise in building quality, eco-friendly residential homes with our planet in mind.

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Planet Ecotech - Licensing

Planet Ecotech Licensing is focused on licensing the patented IP, predominantly recycling end of life single use plastic packaging, to produce concrete products and aggregate.


Use of the IP will extend the life of existing low-grade mixed polymer waste by reusing it as a substitute for valuable, environmentally destructive limestone aggregate, by up to 19% by mass,

Based on a cubic meter of concrete, substituting not practically separable plastic for limestone reduces the cost of materials by up to 10%.

In addition to the above licensees could benefit from reduced corporation tax and a further reduction in manufacturing costs.

What we



Patent relief

Reducing corporation tax on products produced via the IP to 10%


CCC exemption

On manufacture of between 5% and 7%


EII exemption

On energy used of between 15% and 30%

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Building sustainable, eco-friendly future